〜Philosophic burden of proof, From Wikipedia〜


以下は英語版ウィキペディアにおける哲学的な立証責任(Philosophic burden of proof)の簡単な翻訳です。 できるだけ正しく翻訳するように心がけてはいますが、間違っているかもしれません。

In epistemology, the burden of proof is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position.


1. 立証責任を負う者(Holder of the burden)

When two parties are in a discussion and one asserts a claim that the other disputes, the one who asserts has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim.


An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proved false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proved true.


This has the effect of shifting the burden of proof to the person criticizing the proposition.


While certain kinds of arguments, such as logical syllogisms, require mathematical or strictly logical proofs, the standard for evidence to meet the burden of proof is usually determined by context and community standards and conventions.


2. 公共の場での議論(In public discourse)

Burden of proof is also an important concept in the public arena of ideas.


Once participants in discourse establish common assumptions, the mechanism of burden of proof helps to ensure that all parties contribute productively, using relevant arguments.


3. ネガティブの証明(Proving a negative)

A negative claim is a colloquialism for an affirmative claim that asserts the non-existence or exclusion of something.


There are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics including Arrow's impossibility theorem.


A negative claim may or may not exist as a counterpoint to a previous claim.


A proof of impossibility or an evidence of absence argument are typical methods to fulfill the burden of proof for a negative claim.


A1. 認知バイアス一覧による社会心理学入門

A2. 誤謬一覧による科学哲学入門

A3. 正当化論証の理論

哲学的な立証責任, 道徳主義的誤謬, 知識人の公正さ, プープーの誤謬, 駝鳥政策, ウーズル効果, 組織的強化, フォークデビル, 関与のエスカレーション, 井戸に毒を入れる誤謬, 無敵の無知論証,
