〜Theory of justification〜

暁 美焔(Xiao Meiyan) 科学哲学研究家

 知識とは一体何なのか? 我々は「真理を信じ、間違いを信じない」ようにするためにはどうすれば良いのか? 知識を愛し、知識の探求に命を捧げた初めての人間はソクラテスであろう。 哲学者ソクラテスは自らの命よりも知識への愛を優先し、死刑にされた。 彼は一体何故、死を選んだのであろうか? 彼はその死をもって、後世に何を伝えたかったのであろうか? そのソクラテスの英知を受け継いで、知識とは何かを考え続けたのがその弟子の哲学者プラトンである。 そしてそのプラトンが提唱したのが「知識とは正当化された真なる信念である」という「JTB定式」であり、これが「正当化」という概念の由来である。 プラトンの哲学こそが西欧哲学の原点であり核心でもある。 そしてそのプラトンが導入したこの「正当化」の概念もまた、西欧哲学の原点であり核心である。

 「JTB定式」とは一言で言えば、真であると説明できる理由が必要であるという考えであり、「正当化」とはその「真であると説明する理由」である。 この「正当化」の概念を説明するために使用される「規範(norm)」や「オブリゲーション(obligation)」という概念自体が日本社会では馴染みが無いために、「正当化」の概念や正当化に関連して説明される「知的責任(intellectual responsibility)」、「知的な権利(intellectual rights, 知的所有権とは異なる)」等の概念を理解するのは難解であろう。 しかし、これらを理解して初めて科学哲学の原点であり、核心でもある概念が理解できるのである。

 ノーム・チョムスキーの言葉を借りれば「知識人は真実を追求し、嘘を暴く責任がある(intellectuals should make themselves responsible for searching for the truth and the exposing of lies)」という考えであり、これを「知的厳格主義(intellectual rigour)」を持って実現するための理論が、この正当化の理論なのである。 ここで説明される概念を理解した時、これらの概念を持たない日本社会がかかえる問題も見えてくるだろう。

 以下は英語版ウィキペディアにおける「正当化論証の理論」(Theory of justification)の簡単な翻訳である。 できるだけ正しく翻訳するように心がけてはいますが、間違っているかもしれません。
Theory of justification is a part of epistemology that attempts to understand the justification of propositions and beliefs.

Epistemologists are concerned with various epistemic features of belief, which include the ideas of justification, warrant, rationality, and probability.

Of these four terms, the term that has been most widely used and discussed by the early 21st century is "warrant".

Loosely speaking, justification is the reason that someone (properly) holds a belief.

When a claim is in doubt, justification can be used to support the claim and reduce or remove the doubt.

Justification can use empiricism (the evidence of the senses), authoritative testimony (the appeal to criteria and authority), or logical deduction.

正当化の主題(Subjects of justification)

Justification focuses on beliefs.

This is in part because of the influence of the definition of knowledge as "justified true belief" often associated with a theory discussed near the end of the Socratic dialogue Theaetetus.

More generally, theories of justification focus on the justification of statements or propositions.

The subject of justification has played a major role in the value of knowledge as "justified true belief."

Some contemporary epistemologists, such as Jonathan Kvanvig assert that justification isn't necessary in getting to the truth and avoiding errors.

Kvanvig attempts to show that knowledge is no more valuable than true belief, and in the process dismissed the necessity of justification due to justification not being connected to the truth.

正当化と説明(Justifications and explanations)

Justification is the reason why someone properly holds a belief, the explanation as to why the belief is a true one, or an account of how one knows what one knows.

In much the same way arguments and explanations may be confused with each other, as may explanations and justifications.

Statements which are justifications of some action take the form of arguments.

For example, attempts to justify a theft usually explain the motives (e.g., to feed a starving family).

It is important to be aware when an explanation is not a justification.

A criminal profiler may offer an explanation of a suspect's behavior (e.g.; the person lost his or her job, the person got evicted, etc.), and such statements may help us understand why the person committed the crime.

An uncritical listener may believe the speaker is trying to gain sympathy for the person and his or her actions, but it does not follow that a person proposing an explanation has any sympathy for the views or actions being explained.
容疑者性格分析官の説明は別に容疑者の行動に対して同情しているわけではないが、 無批判な聴衆は彼が容疑者の行動に対して同情を得ようとしていると考えるかもしれない。

This is an important distinction because we need to be able to understand and explain terrible events and behavior in attempting to discourage it.
これは重要な違いである。 何故ならば恐ろしい事件や行動をやめさせるためには、我々はその行動を理解し、説明しなければならない。

正当化は規範的な行動(Justification is a normative activity)

One way of explaining the theory of justification is to say that a justified belief is one that we are "within our rights" in holding.

The rights in question are neither political nor moral, however, but intellectual.

In some way, each of us is responsible for what we believe.

Beliefs are not typically formed completely at random, and thus we have an intellectual responsibility, or obligation, to try to believe what is true and to avoid believing what is false.
信念は通常、ランダムに(理由も無く)形成される事はない。 我々には、 「真理を信じ、間違いを信じない」ように心がけるための「知的責任」或いは「オブリゲーション」を持っている。 (とりあえず、「知的責任」とは「知的公正さ」、「オブリゲーション」とは「知的なノブレス・オブリージュ」のような概念と考えて下さい)

An intellectually responsible act is within one's intellectual rights in believing something; performing it, one is justified in one's belief.
何かを信じる事に対して「知的責任のある行動」とは「知的権利の範囲内」にある事である。 それを実践する事で、その者の信念は正当化される。

Thus, justification is a normative notion.
このようにして正当化は「規範的(normative)」な観念である。 (「規範的」という概念も日本社会には馴染みがないが、とりあえず「正当、公正、誠実、〜であるべき」というような言葉から連想される何らかの概念であると考えて下さい)

The standard definition is that a concept is normative if it is a concept regarding or depending on the norms, or obligations and permissions (very broadly construed), involved in human conduct.

It is generally accepted that the concept of justification is normative, because it is defined as a concept regarding the norms of belief.

正当化の理論(Theories of justification)

There are several different views as to what entails justification, mostly focusing on the question "How sure do we need to be that our beliefs correspond to the actual world?"

Different theories of justification require different amounts and types of evidence before a belief can be considered justified.

Interestingly, theories of justification generally include other aspects of epistemology, such as knowledge.

Popular theories of justification include:


If a belief is justified, there is something that justifies it, which can be called its "justifier".

If a belief is justified, then it has at least one justifier.

An example of a justifier would be an item of evidence.

For example, if a woman is aware that her husband returned from a business trip smelling like perfume, and that his shirt has smudged lipstick on its collar, the perfume and the lipstick can be evidence for her belief that her husband is having an affair.

In that case, the justifiers are the woman's awareness of the perfume and the lipstick, and the belief that is justified is her belief that her husband is having an affair.

Not all justifiers have to be what can properly be called "evidence"; there may be some substantially different kinds of justifiers available.
全ての正当化基準が「証拠」と呼ばれる物ではない。 幾つかのかなり異なる正当化基準が利用できる。

Regardless, to be justified, a belief has to have a justifier.
信念には正当化基準が存在しなければならない。 正当化されるかどうかには関わらず。

Three things that have been suggested as justifiers are:
  1. Beliefs only.
  2. Beliefs together with other conscious mental states.
  3. Beliefs, conscious mental states, and other facts about us and our environment (which one may or may not have access to).
At least sometimes, the justifier of a belief is another belief.

When, to return to the earlier example, the woman believes that her husband is having an affair, she bases that belief on other beliefs—namely, beliefs about the lipstick and perfume.
先ほどの例に戻ろう。 女性は「夫に情事がある」という信念の基盤となっているのは他の信念、すなわち口紅と香水に対する信念である。

Strictly speaking, her belief isn't based on the evidence itself—after all, what if she did not believe it?
厳密に言えば、彼女の信念は証拠自体を基盤としているのではない。 彼女がそれを信じないとしたらどうなるだろう?

What if she thought that all of that evidence were just a hoax?

What if her husband commonly wears perfume and lipstick on business trips?

For that matter, what if the evidence existed, but she did not know about it?

Then, of course, her belief that her husband is having an affair wouldn't be based on that evidence, because she did not know it was there at all;
その場合、夫の情事に対する彼女の信念は証拠に基づいているのではない。 彼女は知らないのだから。

or, if she thought that the evidence were a hoax, then surely her belief couldn't be based on that evidence.

Consider a belief P.

Either P is justified or P is not justified.

If P is justified, then another belief Q may be justified by P.

If P is not justified, then P cannot be a justifier for any other belief: neither for Q, nor for Q's negation.

For example, suppose someone might believe that there is intelligent life on Mars, and base this belief on a further belief, that there is a feature on the surface of Mars that looks like a face, and that this face could only have been made by intelligent life.
例えば、火星に知的生命が存在すると信じる者がいるとする。 その信念の基盤は、「火星上の表面にある顔のような特徴は、知的生命によってのみ作られるはずだ」という信念であったとしよう。

So the justifying belief is: that face-like feature on Mars could only have been made by intelligent life.

And the justified belief is: there is intelligent life on Mars.

But suppose further that the justifying belief is itself unjustified.

It would in no way be one's intellectual right to suppose that this face-like feature on Mars could have only been made by intelligent life;

that view would be irresponsible, intellectually speaking.

Thus, such a belief is unjustified because the justifier on which it depends is itself not justified.
このような場合、信念は正当化されない。 何故ならば正当化基準自身が正当化されていないのだから。

(主張者は「香水や口紅」や「顔のような特徴」等の確証が正当化基準となると考えているが、実際には「それらの確証が結論を導く」という信念が正当化基準となっている。 主張が「知的権利の範囲内」である事を確認するためには、基盤となっている信念が確証だけに依存するのではなく、現実世界との対応を確信するために正当化論証を行い、「知的責任」を果たさねばならない。 即ち、「確証だけに依存して、現実世界と対応していない主張をする者は、知的責任を果たしていない」)

よく使われる正当化基準(Commonly used justifiers)

A1. 認知バイアス一覧による社会心理学入門

A2. 誤謬一覧による科学哲学入門

A3. 正当化論証の理論

哲学的な立証責任, 道徳主義的誤謬, 知識人の公正さ, プープーの誤謬, 駝鳥政策, ウーズル効果, 組織的強化, フォークデヒル, 関与のエスカレーション, 井戸に毒を入れる誤謬, 無敵の無知論証,

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