

以下は英語版ウィキペディアにおけるフォーク・デビル、民衆の悪魔(folk devil)の簡単な翻訳です。 できるだけ正しく翻訳するように心がけてはいますが、間違っているかもしれません。

Folk devil is a person or group of people who are portrayed in folklore or the media as outsiders and deviant, and who are blamed for crimes or other sorts of social problems; see also: scapegoat.
フォーク・デビルとは民間伝承マスメディアによって「よそ者」、又は「逸脱者」であると表現される個人或いはグループで、犯罪やその他の社会問題と関連づけられる。 スケープゴートも参照のこと。

The pursuit of folk devils frequently intensifies into a mass movement that is called a moral panic.

When a moral panic is in full swing, the folk devils are the subject of loosely organized but pervasive campaigns of hostility through gossip and the spreading of urban legends.

The mass media sometimes get in on the act or attempt to create new folk devils in an effort to promote controversy.

Sometimes the campaign against the folk devil influences a nation's politics and legislation.


The concept of the folk devil was introduced by sociologist Stanley Cohen in 1972, in his study Folk Devils and Moral Panics, which analysed media controversies concerning Mods and Rockers in the United Kingdom of the 1960s.
「モラル・パニック」という言葉は1972年、英国の社会学者スタンリー・コーエン(Stanley Cohen)によって生み出された。 彼は著書『Folk devils and Moral Panics (フォーク・デビルとモラル・パニック)』に於いて、1960年代の英国でマスメディアがモッズロッカーズをどう報道したかを記述する際にこの語を使用した。

Cohen’s research was based on the media storm over a violent clash between two youth subcultures, the mods and the rockers, on a bank holiday on a beach in England, 1964.
1964年の海辺の行楽地において、この二つの荒れる若者達のグループは衝突した。 コーエンの研究はその事件のメディアの過剰反応に基づいている。

Though the incident only resulted in some property damage without any serious physical injury to any of the individuals involved, several newspapers published sensationalist articles surrounding the event.
事件は深刻な事態とならず、いくらかの物損事件にとどまった。 しかし複数の新聞はこの事件をセンセーショナルに報道した。

Cohen examined articles written about the topic and noted a pattern of distorted facts and misrepresentation, as well as a distinct, simplistic depiction of the respective images of both groups involved in the disturbance.
コーエンは事件に関する記事を調べ、 騒乱に巻き込まれた2つのグループのイメージが明確かつ単純化して描写され、 事実がゆがめられて報道されるパターンについて記述した。

He articulated three stages in the media's reporting on folk devils:
  1. Symbolisation: the folk devil is portrayed in one singular narrative, their appearance and overall identify oversimplified to be easily recognizable.
  2. Exaggeration: the facts of the controversy surrounded the folk devil are distorted, or fabricated all together, fueling the “moral crusade”.
  3. Prediction: further immoral actions on the part of the folk devil are anticipated.
In the case of the mods and rockers, increased police presence the following year on the bank holiday led to another occurrence of violence.

Cohen noted that the depiction of mods and rockers as violent, unruly troublemakers actually led in itself to a rise in “deviant behaviour” by the subcultures.

歴史上と最近の事件(Historic and modern cases)

The basic pattern of agitations against folk devils can be seen in the history of witchhunts and similar manias of persecution;

the histories of predominately Catholic and Protestant European countries present examples of adherents of the rival Western Christian faith as folk devils;

minorities and immigrants have often been seen as folk devils;

in the long history of anti-Semitism, which frequently targets Jews with allegations of dark, murderous practices, such as blood libel;

or the Roman persecution of Christians that blamed the military reverses suffered by the Roman Empire on the Christians' abandonment of paganism.

In modern times, political and religious leaders in many nations have sought to present atheists and secularists as deviant outsiders who threaten the social and moral order.

The identification of folk devils may reflect the efforts of powerful institutions to displace social anxieties.

Another example of religious and ethnic discrimination associated with Cohen's folk devil theory would be Islamophobia,

the discrimination of Muslims and those perceived as being Middle Eastern in origin.

Post-9/11 reactions by Western countries stereotyped Muslims as violent, hateful, and of possessing fanatical extremist ideology.

The group was depicted as posing a threat to social peace and safety in the Western world, and was subject to much hostility politically, from the media and from society.

A1. 認知バイアス一覧による社会心理学入門

A2. 誤謬一覧による科学哲学入門

A3. 正当化論証の理論

哲学的な立証責任, 道徳主義的誤謬, 知識人の公正さ, プープーの誤謬, 駝鳥政策, ウーズル効果, 組織的強化, フォークデヒル, 関与のエスカレーション, 井戸に毒を入れる誤謬, 無敵の無知論証,
